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Improving noise management and optimising performance at noise-constrained facilities, 工地和环境监测

提高城市化和环境卫生意识, worker safety and biodiversity is pushing companies to improve the management of noise emissions. Operators need accurate and timely data to manage health, safety and biodiversity issues proactively.


木头noiseAI identifies and classifies sounds of interest such as industrial noise or animal calls, 允许用户满足法规要求,提高生产效率,同时保护其社会经营许可证.

由尖端的机器学习技术提供支持, noiseAI可以像人类专家一样,即时、准确地自动完成复杂噪声监测数据的耗时评估.









noiseAI已成功应用于大型工业及环境噪音及声音监测项目, 包括风能, 港口, 建设, 采矿作业, 智能城市和物种监测


  • 根据感觉对声音进行分类, providing deeper and more timely insight that enables bolder noise management action
  • 解锁错过的生产机会, avoiding restrictions by false alarms and overly conservative curtailment while maintaining compliance
  • 通过消除数据中的“噪音”,减轻了分析负担,使作业者能够专注于管理与生产相关的噪音水平
  • 确保噪音评估的一致性,全天候可用
  • Sup港口 accountability and transparency for reporting, auditing and quality control. AI performance can be supervised by subject matter experts through regular benchmarking.
  • Integrates with existing systems; sensor agnostic and remote-deployable via cloud infrastructure
  • Reduces noise management costs; available through a monthly subscription without setup fee


你可以改善受噪音限制的设施和工地的结果. 我们用noiseAI来告诉你怎么做.

作为免费演示的一部分, we’ll show you how noiseAI can provide actionable and timely data for your facility, 工作地点或项目, 不会增加噪音投诉或违规的风险.

安排一个快速演示, 今天向我们发送您的问题或要求报价,我们的噪音顾问之一将很快回复您.




noiseAI是一种人工智能(AI)技术,可以自动对大型声学进行分类 以最少的努力和高精度的数据集. noiseAI的应用包括:

  • 在环境监测数据中去除外来噪音及量化工业噪音水平
  • 在workplace噪声剂量测量调查中,量化导致工人暴露的源的贡献
  • 在被动声学监测数据中识别动物叫声的存在

noiseAI uses machine learning to classify acoustic data, including audio and noise level data.

noiseAI是由伍德的主题专家训练的, 谁在监测和量化工业设施的环境和职业噪音以及在被动声学监测数据中识别动物叫声方面具有丰富的经验.

noiseAI是用真实世界的数据训练的. Customised models are developed to optimise outcomes and achieve the highest possible accuracy. 结合常规性能验证, noiseAI在输出中提供高精度和可信度.

We are dedicated to understanding your situation and exploring how noiseAI can help you.



noiseAI /社区

noiseAI /社区通过过滤监测数据中的无关噪声,准确识别工业操作的噪声排放, 比如风, 鸟类与交通.

结果显示在web应用程序中, providing a clear and concise assessment of environmental noise impacts on the 社区 in real time.

这减少了处理环境噪声监测器发出的噪声警报所花费的时间和精力,同时避免了不必要的生产损失, 帮助维持你在社区内运作的社会执照.

工业噪音通常根据噪音条例进行管理, 噪音监测器会在噪音超标时发出警报.

然而, a significant portion of these alerts are typically false due to factors 比如风, 鸟, 或者本地交通. Extraneous noise alerts can make up >95% of all alerts. 由于人员缺乏经验或偏见,手动审查这些警报既耗时又不一致.

noiseAI /社区 automatically filters out irrelevant sources and assesses industrial noise levels, 显著减少需要人工审查的错误警报.

例如, 一家利用噪音监测来调节社区噪音水平的采矿运营商自实施noiseAI/社区以来,警报减少了95%. This translates to an estimated reduction of around 2,000 hours of operator time per year .

是的, noiseAI与系统无关,可以配置为在许多类型的现有监控系统上运行, 包括Bruel和Kjaer, Svantek和Rion. 请与我们联系,确认您现有的噪音监测器是否兼容.

是的, noiseAI /社区 can be used to demonstrate compliance against regulatory limits. 它可以处理大型监测数据集,并放大工业噪声占主导地位的时期,以证明噪声法规的合规性.

noiseAI /动物

noiseAI可以检测动物的叫声,并在被动声学监测数据中自动分类动物的叫声. 机器学习模型由Wood的专家进行培训, 使用真实数据, 并进行定制和优化,以达到最高的准确性.

noiseAI /动物可以作为自动化设备到云技术堆栈部署,用于在线监测或大型声学数据集的后处理.

noiseAI /动物 can be deployed as an automated device-to-cloud technology stack for online monitoring. 该技术依赖于噪声人工智能模型的使用, which is deployed on a computing unit that is co-located with an acoustic monitor. Acoustic data captured at the monitor is automatically processed using the noiseAI model. Classified vocalisations of interest are timestamped and transmitted to a cloud-based server. 然后将结果显示在交互式仪表板上给用户.

noiseAI技术栈适用于低带宽网络连接, 例如卫星或物联网网络. This allows online monitoring of fauna at locations well beyond the reach of cellular networks.

此外, the devices are designed for low-power use and can operate on small solar or battery-powered systems.

与传统的被动声学监测程序相比,使用noiseAI /动物的自动噪声监测具有以下几个优势:

  • Get immediate results enabling management action in response to changes in fauna activity levels
  • 远程识别和排除问题,避免数据上的大差距
  • Significantly reduce costly and hazardous field work required to retrieve data via SD card changes
  • Eliminate the time and effort required for manual processing of acoustic data for species identification

人工智能模型可以被训练来检测任何物种的声音. 它可以用于任何被动声学监测用于物种检测的地方. Models are tailored to achieve the highest performance possible for the species of interest. 一些使用noiseAI获得高精度的物种包括:

  • Canadian bat species (including Little Brown Bat, Tricoloured Bat and Northern Long-Eared Myotis)
  • 澳大利亚蝙蝠种类(包括皮尔巴拉鬼蝠、皮尔巴拉叶鼻蝠)
  • 澳大利亚凤头鹦鹉(卡纳比凤头鹦鹉、鲍丹凤头鹦鹉和红尾黑凤头鹦鹉)


noiseAI /workplace

noiseAI /workplace可以检测和分类重要噪声源,以保护操作员的健康和安全. 使用noiseAI /workplace对兼容剂量计的连续录音进行分析,以确定重要的噪声源, 包括间歇性和脉冲源,如锤子和摇铃枪.

noiseAI /workplace can identify and quantify exposure from individual noise sources, 允许有针对性和数据驱动的噪声控制建议,以减少操作人员的噪声暴露.

noiseAI /workplace outputs are displayed via an interactive and customisable dashboard. 结果可以被评估 全球噪音限制、指引或规例,包括:

  • 美国OSHA法规
  • 加拿大职业健康和安全条例(SOR/86-304)
  • 澳大利亚安全工作WHS条例
  • 欧盟指令2003/10/EC
  • 英国HSE工作噪音控制条例

noiseAI /workplace也可以验证噪音控制的有效性.

是的, noiseAI /workplace将被配置为针对您的公司进行评估, 州或联邦的噪音限制, 指导方针或法规-包括OSHA的PEL.

结果显示在交互式仪表板上, 哪一个可以直接对OSHA的PEL进行评估. 结果可以导出为Excel和其他格式, 允许上载OHS数据库,如Cority.

标准噪音调查采用与现场工作人员面谈的方式,以帮助确定对主要噪声源的平均暴露时间. 另外, traditional noise dosimetry campaigns generate statistical data based on sampled overall noise levels.

noiseAI /workplace deter矿山 exposure times to significant noise sources based on measured data, 通过传统的噪音调查或剂量测量活动,提供对工人噪音暴露的无与伦比的见解.

noiseAI /workplace提供噪声剂量学数据的细粒度见解, 允许减少操作员的噪音暴露通过目标, 数据驱动的噪音控制措施.


noiseAI可用于检测设备中的故障和异常. 然而,传统的故障检测方法,如 振动状态监测,可能更有效. 联系我们的状态监测专家 以确定最适合您的用例的方法.


Active listening – how AI can optimise performance at noise-constrained facilities



United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.